<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm just going to do a quick summary
of some of the responses that people sent me.

A quick overview of my post: I have been GF for about 8-9 months now and
have noticed that while I feel great, I have developed terrible hemorroids.
My question is 1) why, 2) what can I do, and 3) has anyone else experienced

Everyone agreed that they are caused by straining to have a bowel movement.

A few responses were that they were caused by not enough fiber in my diet
and that I should take Medemucil (not sure spelling) or something similar
and exercise more (not a problem as I run several times a week and
snowboard on weekends).

Many people said they are linked to childbirth. Unfor
tunately not
applicable to me. :)

Most everyone said to go back to the dr and have them tell me what my next
steps should be. A few people even mentioned that surgery helped.

A few suggested adding prunes into my diet in the morning to soften the
stool and that might help. (I'm going to try this)

Creams and Ointments were also suggested. I've been using these for months
w/no relief. :(

One person suggested that coffee was a culprit and to give it up. I would
hate for that to be the reason, as a native-Seattleite I doubt I could give
up that addiction easily. :)

Basically, I'm going to make a doctor appointment to see what they say
about it as well. Thanks so much to everyone that responded to me, I really
appreciate it and will definitely try some of the suggestions!


*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*