Girls of the evening!? Now that's an interesting turn of phrase! -jc On Wednesday, January 15, 2003, at 07:21 AM, Rudy Christian wrote: Times New Roman0000,0000,8080Okay, I guess I will wade in here and expose myself too. Arial0000,0000,8080  Arial0000,0000,8080In the 1970’s we lived in Akron (OH) and I worked as a plant engineer inBarberton. It actually was a histoinspirational job involving remodeling and updating an early 20th century vitreous tile factory into a modern electronics manufacturing facility with slicky offices, but that’s not my cow story. Arial0000,0000,8080  Arial0000,0000,8080Being a plant engineer, and in my twenties, meant many evenings and weekends were spend decompressing with friends who mutually enjoyed various forms of recreation. One friend was also one of my PE department employees and lived in an old stone farmhouse owned by the Himmelwright family. They were hardcore dairy farmers that pastured several farms they had bought up when milk prices were down and insurance was up. The farmhouse Kenny lived in was the original farmstead, but the old stone farmhouse was never updated beyond some rudimentary knob and tube and the typical back porch kitchen retrofit. It was a great place to hang out and party with plenty of bedrooms and a huge fireplace in a living room with a world class sag in the floor. Bliss, to say the least. Arial0000,0000,8080  Arial0000,0000,8080Unfortunately the Himmelwrights weren’t too big on keeping their fences and gates mended. When the sun set the girls (mostlyHolsteins) would find their way down the barn lane and into the farmhouse yard. Usually this wasn’t much of a problem, if it was warm weather. They would just mow the yard and peruse the orchard and generally cause no harm other than scaring the begeebies out of young girls on their way back from the outhouse. In winter it was a little bit more problematic. When it was time to head home, the uneducated (in wandering cow antics) guests would get to their cars to find the side door mirrors all wacked out of position. It was only when they found their hands covered with great globs of cow slobber that they realized the girls had found the road salt irresistible. But that’s not really my cow story. Arial0000,0000,8080  Arial0000,0000,8080One evening Kenny brought his brand new (nice condition used) Harley Davidson out to the farm. Realizing it was an easy target for the bovine marauders, he decided to put the bike in the old carriage shed. Kenny had decided he was smarter than the girls of the evening. Much was his sorrow and surprise (and great was our difficulty to not laugh hysterically) when he found in the morning that the cows had decided to nudge the door open (obviously old hat to them) and spend the night in the carriage house….….on top of Kenny’s now very distorted and cow flop covered Harley. So much for trying to out smart a cow. Arial0000,0000,8080  Arial0000,0000,8080Rudy Arial0000,0000,8080  Arial0000,0000,8080