On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 06:53:00 +0900, Tom Bridgeland <[log in to unmask]>

>are low carb you should be getting most of your energy from
>fat, which means a fairly high fat diet overall.


I believe that I am getting enough fat.  I eat pemmican made with a higher
ratio of suet to meat than I see in the recipes, and we cook with rendered
suet and coconut oil.  I eat plenty of eggs and even more yolks than whites
many times.  We occassionally use raw, unsalted butter as well.  I eat lots
of avocados and some marrow fat too.  We also use a good amount of olive
oil.  It seems like just about every meal or snack I eat has a good amount
of fat in it.  OH, and I also eat raw beef suet as well.  Anyway, does this
sound like enough of a fat intake?

Rebekah Fechner-Jones