Message-Id: <[]>

mike wrote:
   >I know it's antiquated but then my computer is antiquated, but ...
   >can one still get the zipdrive with the parallel port interface?
   >My compuer is set up for this.  if so, where can one get such a
   >beastie? T I A!

I think they're still around.  I've got an external scsi which I use
as backup for my multitrack recorder.  NOt one of my better moves in
the firmware department.  A decnet little machine, but for sync with
smpte sync or midi I have to have a sighted helper for a few minutes
at the start of the session(s)

I know I can still find the 100mb cartridges around as I buy some

73 de nf5b

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--- Benjamin Franklin November 1755

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