So, the bulls and the weasels are attacking with English condoms.  What ever
is the world coming to?

-----Original Message-----
From: Met History [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 9:31 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: When will the hurting stop??? --- Drunken Elk Attacks Boy, 8

From The New York Times, December 31, 2002:

Karlskoga, Sweden -- The police shot dead a drunken bull elk that attacked a
young boy while intoxicated on fermented apples, the newspaper Aftonbladet
reported.  The elk attacked the 8-year-old as he played in the garden of his
home in the town of Karlskoga in central Sweden.  The youngster was badly
shaken but escaped serious injury, suffering only a bruised neck.  Elks,
common in sparsely populated Sweden, are normally shy but can become
aggressive when they eat rotten apples, a favorite winter snack that can
make them drunk.   [USER WARNING:  There is no preservation content in this