>What are you doing to finally lose again?

I'm sticking with the formula my doctor/guru gave me; adequate protein,
ultra-low-carb vegetables, healthy oils to taste, a few nuts and seeds and
that's it, that's all, nothing else.  Ideally (according to both him and my
own experience), protein = meat, fish and eggs ONLY - no dairy.  For me,
'adequate' protein is 60g/day and as little per meal or snack as possible.
These limits, combined, protect one from gluconeogenesis.  Things would go
even faster if I exercised more but I'm cutting myself some slack at the
moment; I plan to go nuts come the winter solstice.  I'm kind of weird; I
like to make changes and commitments on (enter echo effect)
Dates...of...Monumennnnnnnnt.  You know, Monday, New Year's Day, the first
day of the month?  Come the shortest day of the year (indat a nice starting
point?), I plan to start an intense routine of a consistent exercise, water
like it's goin' outta style, the formula above and maybe even a food diary,
to boot.  Goal?  Size 14 by the summer solstice, which probably translates
to about 50 pounds.  Screw stepping on a scale, though; if I can wear size
14, the scale could say 200 lb. and I wouldn't give a rat's ass.  I suppose
size 12 would be ideal but hey, I'd rather be pleasingly plump and happy
than thin, whiney and high-maintenance.  I'm on the tall side and not
small-framed.  Size 14 on me would look just fine.  To me, ennyhoo.

Liz, a long time ago an endocrinologist put me on glucophage, too; it did
approximately jack SQUAT.  I used to deal with irregular cycles, insomnia
and depression; dietary changes alone took care of all three.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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