On Sat, 30 Nov 2002 11:10:29 +1100, Evelyn McWilliams
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Anyone in a position to comment on this Dutch study?

I think serotonin excess from eating too much tryptophan from natural
sources (protein) is highly unlikely.
Particularly in the brain (most serotonin is in the gut).

Those states of an extreme sedentary mood which are spoken of
in your article certainly don't need more relaxation.
The authors seem to fear serotonin therefore.
But serotinin is one of the exitatory brain hormones.
(See Flanagan at http://www.usvitamin.com/pharmacy.htm )

My guess would be
1.to look for other reasons for the effects (minerals etc)
2.a lack of dopamine

The "Pharmacy"-article above describes this a little.
