Hi Keith

We are certianly in agreement on the volume of olive oil.  I tend to do
about 60ml at most meals.  With my activity level I really need the
additional calories but I do not think it is doing me any favors from a life
extension perspective.

The pH effects of fat I think is somewhat dependant upon whether it is in a
free fatty acid form or is esterified in tri-acyl-glycerols...I am not sure
what form olive oil is in.  I will do some checking as that should be fairly
easy to find. I have done some meal tracking and from that did rough
calculations for acid/base ballance.  I think an algorithm for keeping track
of this would be interesting.

This is purely from memory but I am pretty sure large meals, even if not
carb based, will elicit a large insulin response.  what are your thoughts
about the large insulin spike associated with the carb load meals in NHE?

Thanks again.

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