Thanks Keith!

I really appreciate you taking the time to share your ideas here.  I have
been casting about for some time with all of this stuff.  The NHE plan
implemented flexably seems to be a great option.

As to my original question about acid/base ballance if I do not add huge
quantities of olive oil to most meals it is fairly easy for me to reach a
net alkaline state with cabbage, brocoli, chard and what not.  The extra
olive oil boosts the calories significantly which brings up  a few other

I have also been trying to figure out where my total caloric intake needs to
be.  I think I am taking in a bit more calories than you are but my activity
is high as I follow the workouts at and practice Capoeira
several times per week.  Probably a bit excessive but as a friend pointed
out if one is to have a vice exercise is perhaps a good compromise!  I havee
flashed back to something Art said about his body falling into a long term
attractor and his weight not changing much one way or another regardless of
calorie intake.  I have certianly experienced this as I will boost my
calories up to around 4-5000Cal/day and gain a little muscle (165 lbs to
170lbs) but when I fall back to an intake of 2500-3000 weight imediately
drops to 163-165.  I had a hydrostatic weighing and my BF is at 5% so things
are workign well but I am ever tinkering.

Correct me if I am wrong but you are not following the NHE recomendation of
very frequent feedings correct?  I remember you mentioning incorperating
some of the philosophy of the Warrior diet in this and the large daily gap
in feedings which you occaswionally do seems in line with this. How is that
working for body comp, muscle mass, strength etc.  I am assuming pretty well
but just curious.  I have noticed that i consume a large surplus of calories
I am simply warm all the time.  This would seem to be simply inviting
additional oxidative damage and is emptying my wallet unnecesarily!

Thanks you again for your response and any thoughts you might have on my
additional ramblings would be much appreciated.

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