Hello Bill

What is your relative's present gear, it may be usable with a bit of
thought particularly as he already knows and has used the gear.

Newly blind people often find it difficult to learn new tactile skills
for a while.

how old is he?

73 de Dave - G3YXX

In message <[log in to unmask]>, Bill Wawrzeniak
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>My name is Bill Wawrzeniak.  My ham callsign is W1KKF.  I am not blind.  I
>am writing for my brother-in-law.  He has been a ham for many years.  About
>a year ago, he found he was losing his sight due to "Wet Macular
>Degeneration".  In less than a year it had progressed to the point that he
>could no longer see or operate his present ham equipment.  At the present
>time I am helping him dispose of his ham equipment.  Here is my reason for
>What rig would be the best choice for him.  Is there some rig that would be
>easy to use?
>Thanks for your help.
>73, Bill

David W Wood