I can see that Atkins proponents start to learn from the mainstream
nutrition experts how to deal with the crisis situations.

I can tell from my experience with low carbing that heart problems
(arrhythmia, increased/decreased pulse rate) are very easily induced by
improper diet.
Atkins diet not giving people general guidelines how much fat/protein should
they eat can be simply dangerous. And blaming bulimia for the death of this
teen is like blaming sat fats for heart attacks.

Paul Sand
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>From: Katrina <[log in to unmask]>
>Dietitians and proponents of the Atkins diet, one example of a
>low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet, say that other weight-loss measures
>including eating disorders like bulimia or the use of diuretics were far
>more likely to have contributed to the low electrolyte levels found in the
>teen's blood.

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