Inventor, computer scientist & "Transhumanist" guru (long story) Ray
Kurzweil seems to be advocating something like a Paleolithic diet, in his
case because he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes several years ago. I
find it interesting that many people independently following their own lines
of inquiry regarding optimal health tend to converge on low-glycemic diets.


WN: Can you describe your daily efforts toward life extension?

RK: My diet is low carbohydrate. Not as low as the Atkins diet, but I pretty
strictly avoid high-glycemic-index carbs so my carbohydrates are mainly
vegetables. I eat fish and other omega-3 fats and a lot of protein. We
actually have invented some food products that are low-fat,
low-carbohydrate, no sugar, low-calorie, but have the taste appeal of
high-carb products, like cake with frosting, and puddings and breads, hot
cereal and things like that. They'll be called Ray and Terry's Health
Products (after Dr. Terry Grossman, with whom Kurzweil is writing the book A
Short Guide to a Long Life). And also a lot of supplement products to
implement the kind of things I talked about. I take about 150 supplements a

WN: Do you feel healthy?

RK: I feel good, I have a lot of energy, I do a lot of exercise, mostly
walking and some upper-body weights, but mostly I walk four to five miles a
day, which is also time to relax and let my mind think about things in an
unstructured way, so it's kind of meditative. I'm very productive, I sleep
well, my relationships are going well, my life's going well and I feel good.

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