
Exerpted from:
Why Does Marin County, Calif., Have Such a High Breast Cancer Rate?
By Judy Muller

Aug. 4 — Marin County, Calif., just across the bay from San Francisco, is
considered an extremely desirable place to live.

      It boasts pristine woodlands, beautiful waterways and, with Mount
Tamalpais as a stunning backdrop, some very pricey real estate.
      Marin's population is predominantly white, affluent, highly educated
and very health-conscious.

      "I try to eat organic foods as much as I can," said Lynn Oberlander, a
local resident. "I try to get my stress level down. I go to yoga. And I hike
and I exercise."

      But despite all the advantages, Marin County has the highest rate of
breast cancer in America, possibly even in the world.