We used to do a dressed whole cow or pig and leave it a day and night.  It
was so tender and juicy.  This is also a favorite in Texas.  I believe
Hawaii does a similar feast under the earth for a luau.   Oliva

----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Moody" <[log in to unmask]>
You dig a hole, then build a fire nearby and heat some stones as
hot as you can get them.  Although we used sealed pots, you could as
easily tie your food into a bladder or leather bag.  Place the food into
the hole, surrounded by the heated stones, and cover with earth.  Come
back in about three hours and it's done.  If there's MSG in there, then
so be it.  This is a stone age way to cook.  It has the advantage that
the meal can be left unattended and scavengers won't get at it
(especially if you place some rocks on top of the "oven" to prevent
digging).  The success of the method depends on getting the stones good
and hot.