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This War Brought to You by Rendon Group

By Ian Urbina
Asia Times Online

WASHINGTON, Nov 12, 2002 -- "Word got around the department that I was a
good Arabic translator who did a great Saddam imitation," recalls the
Harvard grad student. "Eventually, someone phoned me, asking if I wanted to
help change the course of Iraq policy."
So twice a week, for US$3,000 a month, the Iraqi student says, under
condition of anonymity, that he took a taxi from his campus apartment to a
Boston-area recording studio rented by the Rendon Group, a DC-based public
relations firm with close ties to the US government. His job: translate and
dub spoofed Saddam Hussein speeches and tongue-in-cheek newscasts for
broadcast throughout Iraq.

"I never got a straight answer on whether the Iraqi resistance, the CIA or
policy makers on the Hill were actually the ones calling the shots," says
the student, "but ultimately I realized that the guys doing spin were very
well and completely cut loose." And that's how Baghdad's best-known
opposition radio personality was born six years ago - during the Clinton
administration. It was one of many disinformation schemes cooked up by the
Rendon Group, which has worked for both Democratic and Republican
administrations fighting the psy-op war in the Middle East.

"The point was to discredit Saddam, but the stuff was complete slapstick,"
the student says. "We did skits where Saddam would get mixed up in his own
lies, or where [Saddam's son] Qusay would stumble over his own delusions of
grandeur." Transmissions were once a week from stations in northern Iraq and
Kuwait. "The only thing that was even remotely funny," says the student,
"were the mockeries of the royal guard and the government's clumsy attempts
to deceive arms inspectors."

The Saddam impersonator says he left Rendon not long ago out of frustration
with what he calls the lack of expertise and oversight in the project. It
was doubly frustrating, he says, because he despises Saddam, although he
adds that he never has been involved with any political party or opposition
group. "No one in-house spoke a word of Arabic," he says. "They thought I
was mocking Saddam, but for all they knew I could have been lambasting the
US government." The scripts, he adds, were often ill conceived. "Who in Iraq
is going to think it's funny to poke fun at Saddam's mustache," the student
notes, "when the vast majority of Iraqi men themselves have mustaches?"

There were other basic problems, too. Some of the announcers hired for the
radio broadcasts, he says, were Egyptians and Jordanians, whose Arabic
accents couldn't be understood by Iraqis. "Friends in Baghdad said that the
radio broadcasts were a complete mumble," the student says. One CIA agent
familiar with the project calls the project's problem a lack of "due
diligence", and adds that "the scripts were put together by 23-year-olds
with connections to the Democratic National Committee."

Despite the fumbling naivete of some of its operations, the Rendon Group is
no novice in the field. For decades, when US bombs have dropped or foreign
leaders have been felled, the public relations shop has been on the scene,
just far enough to stay out of harm's way, but just close enough to keep the
spin cycle going.

As Franklin Foer reported in the New Republic, during the campaign against
Panama's Manuel Noriega in 1989, Rendon's command post sat downtown in a
high-rise. In 1991, during the Gulf War, Rendon operatives hunkered down in
Taif, Saudi Arabia, clocking billable hours on a Kuwaiti emir's dole. In
Afghanistan, group founder John Rendon joined a 9:30am conference call every
morning with top-level Pentagon officials to set the day's war message.
Rendon operatives haven't missed a trip yet - Haiti, Kosovo, Zimbabwe,

The firm is tight-lipped, however, about its current projects. A
spokesperson refuses to say whether Rendon is doing any work in preparation
for the potential upcoming invasion of Iraq. But a current Rendon Arabic
translator commented, "All I can say is that nothing has changed - the work
is still an expensive waste of time, mostly with taxpayer funds." However,
Rendon may just prove to be one step ahead of the game. If Saddam is
toppled, a Rendon creation is standing by to try to take his place. The
Iraqi National Congress (INC), a disparate coalition of Iraqi dissidents
touted by the US government as the best hope for an anti-Saddam coup, has
gotten the go-ahead from US officials to arm and train a military force for
invasion. The INC is one of the few names you'll hear if reporters bother to
press government officials on what would come after Saddam.

At the helm of the INC is Ahmed Chalabi, a US-trained mathematician who fled
from Jordan in 1989 in the trunk of a car after the collapse of a bank he
owned. He was subsequently charged and sentenced in absentia to 22 years in
prison for embezzlement. Back home in Iraq, he's referred to by some as the
so-called limousine insurgent and is said to hold little actual standing
with the Iraqi public. Shuttling between London and DC, Chalabi hasn't been
in Iraq for over years, and draws "more support on the Potomac than the
Euphrates," says Iraq specialist Andrew Parasiliti of the Middle East
Institute in Washington DC.

"Were it not for Rendon," a State Department official remarked, "the Chalabi
group wouldn't even be on the map."

With funding first from the CIA throughout the 1990s and more recently the
Pentagon, Rendon managed the INC's every move, an INC spokesperson
acknowledges, even choosing its name, coordinating its annual strategy
conferences, and orchestrating its meetings with diplomatic heavy hitters,
such as James Baker and Brent Scowcroft. Not that the Rendon Group was the
first purveyor of psy-op tactics for promoting US foreign policy in the
region. In fact, some of the most impressive spin maneuvers and
disinformation campaigns occurred during the Gulf War in 1991, the lessons
of which are particularly pertinent as the US again gears up.

Most notorious was the work of PR giant Hill & Knowlton (H&K) (for which
current Pentagon spokesperson Torie Clarke worked after she was an aide to
John McCain and Bush's dad). Subsidized by the Kuwaiti royal family, H&K
dedicated 119 executives in 12 offices across the country to the job of
drumming up support within the United States for the 1991 war. It was an
all-out grassroots blitz: distributing tens of thousands of "Free Kuwait"
T-shirts and bumper stickers at colleges across the US and setting up
observances such as National Kuwait Day and National Student Information
Day. H&K also mailed 200,000 copies of a book titled The Rape of Kuwait to
American troops stationed in the Middle East. The firm also massaged
reporters, arranging interviews with handpicked Kuwaiti emissaries and
dispatching reams of footage of burning wells and oil-slicked birds washed

But nothing quite compared to H&K's now infamous "baby atrocities" campaign.
After convening a number of focus groups to try to figure out which buttons
to press to make the public respond, H&K determined that presentations
involving the mistreatment of infants, a tactic drawn straight from W R
Hearst's playbook of the Spanish-American War, received the best reaction.

So on October 10, 1990, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus held a hearing
on Capitol Hill at which H&K, in coordination with California Democrat Tom
Lantos and Illinois Republican John Porter, introduced a 15-year-old Kuwaiti
girl named Nayirah. (Purportedly to safeguard against Iraqi reprisals,
Nayirah's full name was not disclosed.) Weeping and shaking, the girl
described a horrifying scene in Kuwait City. "I volunteered at the al-Addan
hospital," she testified. "While I was there I saw the Iraqi soldiers come
into the hospital with guns and go into the room where babies were in
incubators. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators,
and left the babies on the cold floor to die." Allegedly, 312 infants were

The tale got wide circulation, even winding up on the floor of the United
Nations Security Council. Before Congress gave the green light to go to war,
seven of the main pro-war senators brought up the baby-incubator allegations
as a major component of their argument for passing the resolution to unleash
the bombers. Ultimately, the motion for war passed by a narrow five-vote

Only later was it discovered that the testimony was untrue. H&K had failed
to reveal that Nayirah was not only a member of the Kuwaiti royal family,
but also that her father, Saud Nasir al-Sabah, was Kuwait's ambassador to
the US. H&K had prepped Nayirah in her presentation, according to Harper's
publisher John R MacArthur, in his book Second Front: Censorship and
Propaganda in the Gulf War. Of the seven other witnesses who stepped to the
podium that day, five had been prepped by H&K and had used false names. When
human rights organizations investigated later, they could not find that
Nayirah had any connection to the hospital. Amnesty International, among
those originally duped, eventually issued an embarrassing retraction.

When asked if it acknowledges the incubator story as a deception, H&K's
media liaison, Suzanne Laurita, only responded: "The company has nothing to
say on this matter." Pushed further on whether such deception was considered
part of the public relations industry, she reiterated, "Please know again
that this falls into the realm that the agency has no wish to confirm, deny
or comment on." Years later, Scowcroft, the national security adviser at the
time, concluded that the tale was surely "useful in mobilizing public

H&K's baby-atrocity routine really won over the hearts, but for the minds of
realpolitik skeptics the Pentagon had other methods. To sway them, the
Pentagon flooded the major media outlets with reports of a top-secret
satellite image that allegedly showed 250,000 Iraqi troops and 1,500 tanks
amassed at the Iraqi-Saudi border.

Once again, this was misinformation. When the US military refused to hand
the satellite image over to the press, several investigative journalists
opted to purchase commercially available, but equally detailed, satellite
images on the open market. Shots of the exact same region, during the same
time frame, revealed no Iraqi soldiers anywhere near the border. The
journalists hired a coterie of experts, including a former Defense
Intelligence Agency analyst who specialized in desert warfare imagery, and
the verdict was the same: no Iraqis, just desert and a lot of US jet
fighters sitting wing-tip to wing-tip at nearby Saudi bases.

But by the time those questions began circulating about the Pentagon's
supposed satellite image and the web of decisions being spun around it, the
US military was already set on course. Once again, a similar mobilization is
in high gear, with skeptical questions lagging behind.

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