i will keep you guys advised. in the past, it was considered ideal for cp
people to go into computer work. hind sight is 20 20, but, it is necessary
that councelors look at where and how a person is affected in considering
what a person should pursue as a career.

-----Original Message-----
From: Salkin Kathleen
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 11/21/2002 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: my neuro visit today

Wow, Ken.  I'm sorry to hear all this, and no, it's not more than I
to know, don't worry!

I had trouble recuperating from my neck surgery last year, and I'm not
spastic at all in my neck or shoulders.   (if you'll recall, I had a
spur removed from my neck).  And you have to be very very careful not to
your neck in any way for a couple of months at least, and I had to wear
cervical collar for three months.  So I can imagine how difficult it
be in your case.

Good luck and let us know how your case proceeds!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Barber, Kenneth L." <[log in to unmask]>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.c-palsy
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 7:27 PM
Subject: my neuro visit today

> some of you know i am wrote up on workers comp and on sick leave for
> tendon and ligament damage from fingers to shoulders. the doc is going
> to try to get me on disability on this. at the same time he tried and
> was ignored on getting my herniated disks in the c-3 to c-7 section of
> my neck with bone spurs in the same area. the neuro told me today that
> the steass and strain on the job was definately part of the neck
> too and will continue to do damage. he is going to give me another mri
> see how far it has advanced since i first had it found in 1998.
> we will apply for work related injury on it by itself, since they
> already accepted the arms and hands. in addition, i'll get some new
> medicine and botox injections as soon as they can schedule them.
>   the doctor that found the disk problem wanted to do surgery. i told
> him that with my muscles spasming as they did, i did not think surgery
> was a good idea. the doc today just told me that under no
> should i let anybody do surgery on my neck, because with my spasms,
> never heal up correctly and also said the elbows and shoulders should
> off limits as far as surgery.
> that is my present circumstances. no surgery, new meds, botox
> injections, and another work related injury claim to be put into the
> system.
> now you all know more than you wanted to know.