Back in 1989, when Hurricane Hugo came up this way from Charlotte and the SC
coast (yes, it came this far inland!) there were several tornados after the
hurricane passed through, due to unstable weather conditions. Did almost as
much damage as the hurricane itself did.

Another time, September, 1978, I think it was, I was up in near Linville Gorge
on a hike with a Sierra Club group.  Came back down from the mountain to
discover tornados had swept through the area, uprooting many of the old oak
trees around our oldest high school as well as damaging a lot of homes.  We
had another tornado touch down in Clemmons 10 miles from here, which did a lot
of damage last year.  NC is right smack in the midst of the tornado belt as
well as being a prime hurricane target on the coast.


On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 13:00:10 -0500 "Cleveland, Kyle E."
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> The really bad stuff parted around our house
> kinda like the Red Sea.  Since
> we have no basement, it was a little scary.  We
> were trying to be nonchalant
> so the kids wouldn't pick up on the concern,
> but our house is a stone's
> throw from the Civil Defense/Tornado siren.
> That wigged out the wee ones
> something awful.
> I don't know what it is like in TN, but around
> here, if the sky takes on a
> greenish cast...grab Toto and run for the
> cellar!
> The last time it was this bad up here was in
> April, 1965.  Bunch of folks
> got killed then, but that was before the NWS
> siren system.  I don't ever
> remember tornadoes in November in this neck of
> the woods.
> How far from Memphis is that TN town that got
> whacked?
> -Kyle
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BG Greer, PhD [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 12:12 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: The list is quiet
> In a message dated 11/12/02 9:30:51 AM,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> > Bobby, did you
> >have any trouble that night?
> >
> >-Kyle
> We had about 30 minutes of rain lightning and
> strait line winds. Tore some
> limbs and street lights down. A 2" limb about
> 14' long was sticking straight
> up from ground about 25 ft from the tree.
> Bobby