<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My 17 year old son decided at the beginning of LAST school year to do the
GFCF diet to see if it would help him control his symptoms of ADD.  (GFCF
means gluten free casien free, casien is milk protein)  He started the
diet with the usual GF fare: rice crackers, GF buns for school lunches,
GF cookies & treats purchased at the local health food store plus home
made GF goodies, soy milk, soy "ice-cream", canned GF chili and beef
stew, etc.  He did enjoy a reduction in his ADD symptoms so he continued
the diet throughout the school year.  But, after about 9 months of this
diet, he began complaining of unpleasant GI symptoms, fatigue & a general
feeling of sluggishness.  I took him for his annual physical in
September, and, as usual, nothing was found.  He decided to clean up his
diet to what I think is extreme for any teen, but it was HIS choice.
[I'd never do that to a kid!  But I'm happy to support him.]  He cut out
ALL sugar, GF baked goods, soy milk, canned foods, refined foods, GF
goodies, etc.  He eats a totally whole food diet composed of meats, eggs,
fresh fruits & veggies, natural fats, potatoes and a few whole grains.
He's amazed at the results.  He was just telling me yesterday, "It's so
awesome to be healthy. I feel so good!  I'll never go back to the way I
used to eat."  His cross country running speed has increased
dramatically.  His coach is very impressed!  I'm very impressed!  I told
him, "You'll never suffer with celiac disease like your older brother & I
have.  You're so much smarted than we were at your age."  His reply was,
"I'm not smarted, just better educated."  Both he & I have learned a lot
about improving out diet through an amazing book, NOURISHING TRADITIONS
by Sally Fallon.  I highly recommend this book.  (I have no financial
connections to the sale of this book.)  Now he's thinking of becoming a
naturopath.  I think he'd make a good one!  ~Valerie in Tacoma, WA

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