I have been using the 486 for about a week now, previously I was using a
233mhz.  I thought there might be a speed loss, but so far it seems to be
working fine.  Like I said, I have only had a week, but I seem to be
getting perfectly good throughput on the few tests I have had time to run.
It is a more "top of the line" 486, with pci-slots for my nic card, 40mb
RAM (16 should have worked, but RH 7.3 wont let me install without 32 for
some reason, if you cant get above 16 try installing RH 7.0, but you
will have to use ipchains instead of iptables), and a 60mhz
CPU.  The modem I am using seems to be a pretty good quality 56k modem.
With some carefull selection I was able to get the install under 650
MB.  Some other distros may be better if harddisk space is an issue.
btw, I also use that machine's extra hdd space for an ftp server so I can
transfer files between computers without a shared drive.

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Jeffrey Madore wrote:

> Jeremy,
> With the 486 for a firewall / internet connection, is there a loss of speed
> vs. using a dial-up connection from a modem in your PC? What is the
> processor speed of your 486?
> Thanks,
> Jeff Madore
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jeremy Rose <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 10:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [PCBUILD] Firewalling netwirk with Red Hat post (fwd)
> > --
> >
> > -\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/
> >
> >
> > Subject: Re: Firewalling netwirk with Red Hat post
> >
> > Ok, I admit I am no expert or anything.  I am just a kid who has been
> > using Linux for a couple years and figured out how to do some very usefull
> > things with it.
> > Linux has a utility called iptables that works closely with the kernel
> > and acts as a very configureable and
> > flexible packet filter.  I have a dedicated 486 that sits under the tv and
> > has no monitor that I use iptables on to forward my 56k dialup internet
> > connection over my home ethernet tcp/ip network.
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