Yes I have done this.  The cable is not a regular parallel cable;
it is what is a called a Laplink cable, which was the configuration
used by the Laplink program to transfer files back in the Win3.1?

Even my W98SE has a Microsoft program named Direct Cable
Connection which is what you want to use.  You must run Direct
Cable Connection on both machines and they will recognize
each other and let you transfer files.

If you need more information and cannot find it, let me know and
I will dig deeper into it for you.  It has been about 7 years ago
that I remember using it last so I will need some refreshing.

Don Elias

On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 22:42:30 +0000 markmara <[log in to unmask]>
> I was  looking at a diagram of a parallel cable package that   showed
> the cable connected to the parallel port of two separate computers.
> There was a notation indicating that you could access one computer
> with  the other. It also mentioned using Windows 95. I'm not sure if
> it   meant that both computers had to have 95 or have 95 or better.
> I've been thinking of trying this to see what  happens but I'm a
> little leary. I don't want to damage  anything or burn something up.
>  What I am asking is has anyone made this parallel cable connection
> connecting two computers together and also is it a safe thing to do?
> Thank you for  any replies.
> Jim Maaarkellos

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