A funny thing to do:
flipping back and forth between the two maps of present time
biomass distribution
and that of the last glacial maximum

Btw, Tom we've had a bunch of discussions on megafauna like in

Alas, I only hear gereralisations on the animal fat and availability, like:
"They have eaten the organs which are very fatty..." (and so much?)
or "There were vast herds" (and humans hunted easily on them?)
or "Fat was priced very high" (and was available plenty, therefore?)

The only real full animal disassembly and listing I found in Cordains
Kangaroo posting, and the reports of others which influenced him
I think Cordain's diet plan is very well reasoned with true paleolithical
facts - as opposed to other books and to widespread meanings.

Particularly he addresses the major points of
- acid/base balancing through enough of vegetable material
- the fat composition of paleo animals and how to achieve similar results

