>From: Tom <[log in to unmask]>
>Anyone else out there with dry skin?

Before I started my current Paleo high fat diet I used to have extremely dry
skin on my hands. Now I make most women jealous about condition of the skin
on my hands (and the rest of my body) ;)
Plus I get rid of acne which I had for most of my life.

>But... a few days ago on a whim I put a little butter on my
>hands. It seemed to help, so I did it again. It seems to be
>working. Maybe I should try paleo lard?  :-)  Butter is an
>old time remedy for skin, I should have tried it a long time ago.

If the fat helps externally why not increase dietary fat intake. Your body
will know where to put it.

I heard of few people which cured their psoriasis with high fat low carb
moderate protein diets but you can hear many things on Internet nowdays.

Paul Sand
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