On the issue of fat % of diet:

1. On fat % of megafauna (NeanderThin, Appendix B):

      "As well as being larger than animals found in temperate climate
       today, the Pleistocene megafauna were adapted to long winters
       of deep snow, having evolved the ability to store large amounts
       of body fat...."

   (so the protein/fat/carbohydrate % of pleistocene people may not
    be so clear cut)

2. If the current game meat fat % cited is really that low, then
   if you restrict yourself to that low a fat % then you
   would have to make up those calories by eating more carbs
   if you are going to maintain energy, right? So in some
   sense if you are a low-carber the fat % issue is moot. If
   pleistocene people were low-carb by necessity then it makes
   sense they must have found more fat.

Philip Thrift