I think the whole idea behind the fear/concern of the sat fat in commercial
meats is the byproducts of toxins from the hormones and pesticides and the
effects on insulin for those who are insulin resistant/diabetic, of whom the
numbers are growing daily, coupled with the fact(?) that these toxins may be
cumulative.   Does anyone have a reference for 'cumulative toxins in the
tissues'?   Oliva

----- Original Message -----
  Adrienne Smith wrote:
>think that this is why the site emphasizes the leanness of the meat and how
>you will be consuming so many less calories if you eat grassfed.  Why is
>a good thing???

Todd Moody wrote:
I think the idea is that this makes it easier to lose weight and still
reach satiety, which is the Holy Grail of weight loss diets.