i have a question about the "paleo-ness" of certain sugars. very obviously
refined cane sugar is not, what about such sweets as maple and birch
syrup/sugar and honey? i can guess that eating them everyday is probably un
paleo, but my guess would be it would be accesible to paleolithic eaters,
just not in large quantity.
So far today consisted of nuts and fruit in the a.m. and nice piece of
grilled coconut salmon  and coal roasted carrots.
i'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my copy of Cordain's book.
Is anyone else familiar with weston price and sally fallon's book nourishing
traditions? what is your opinion of that book? i know dairy just isn't
paleo...regardless of whether or not it is good for you (which i believe is
questionable anyway)  she also suggested eating grains in moderation only
after sprouting or soaking away such things like phytates.

We cannot claim to be taking our species and our planet seriously until we
acknowledge that a million years is a proper unit of political time. --Colin
Tudge "The time before history"

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power
and magic in it. -- Goethe

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