I'm a gun control advocate generally speaking, not because outlawing guns
would make it harder for criminals to get guns - it doesn't - but because
stupid people legally get guns and stupidly kill others through avoidable
accidents.  I don't think we have enough gun safety requirements in place.

That's not an issue here, though, because you're right, whether you have a gun
to defend yourself or not would not be a factor in whether you could defend
yourself against the sniper.  You can't.  It's that simple and that's what's
so scary.


> As much as I admire and respect your opinions,
> Kat, I really can't fathom
> how additional firearms legislation is going to
> help--now or in the future.
> Does this man, or any criminal for that matter,
> give a damn about THE LAW?
> Especially when the laws already on the books
> are unenforced, under-enforced
> or plea-bargained into impotence.  I know it's
> an old wheeze, but there's
> truth in the saying that "when you outlaw guns,
> only outlaws will have
> guns"--at least in our American culture.