And a bit alarming.  If it happens again you might want to get it checked out
by a doctor.  Did you tell Laura about it?


On Tue, 29 Oct 2002 10:15:51 -0500 "Cleveland, Kyle E."
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> On a related note, I had some "weirdness" last
> night:
> At 0200 I woke and tried to scratch my head
> with my left hand--except is
> wasn't there (my hand)!  I had to feel around,
> starting at my left shoulder
> and following the limb up toward the hand.  The
> hand and arm were completely
> numb and paralyzed--absolutely no feeling or
> motion.  As you can imagine, I
> was completely awake within a second and
> started to wake Laura, but
> sensation and motor ability returned instantly,
> with none of the usual "pins
> and needles" sensation that accompanies a limb
> "waking up" from being slept
> on, etc.  I only sleep on my back and my arm
> was over my head, bent 90
> degrees at the elbow.  If I'd had presence of
> mind, I would have love to
> have seen if my arm could straighten (with my
> spastic CP, I've never been
> able to extend past 130 degrees or so.
> Strange, eh?
> -Kyle
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Meir Weiss [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 8:20 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: first major winter cold snap due
> for atlanta addittion of
> crunchy tendons
> I also am beginning to get crunching