Thankyou for your suggestion, but I do not have an inventory or a POS, I am
not a retail company.  I just do computer repair.  Computer parts are way
too expensive here (right now one US Dollar is nearly 4 Reis!) to get into
parts sales (and software piracy is near 90% here, impossible to sell
anyway), I let my customers get the best deals where they can.  I just fix
them and put them together, strictly labour.  As I said in my previous post,
I need a solution to keep track of my customers, what I did, dates,
observations, equipment, programs installed, etc. with an option to search
and print out.  Something like Access, I guess, but I am not a programer nor
a dedicated user, just someone who has his A+ and fixes things.  The average
computer fixit person here is in his/her teens, the average equipment is
still a 1st generation Pentium, at 47 years and being from the U.S.A. gives
me a great advantage!  I have checked out Microsoft´s free Access templates
but I do not have the knowledge to adapt then to my use.  I would prefer a
comercial program with support.
Howard in Fortaleza, Brazil

 Date:    Mon, 23 Sep 2002 16:31:07 -0400 From:    Joe Lore <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Just a question


I have used Altex32 by millenium software for several years personally.

I have recommended it to companies and they have purchased it to get
support, upgrades and customized versions.

It's great.  It's a POS, does service repairs, inventory, accounts
receivables, and PO'S, just about anything you can think, it will do.

When you run over the allotted trial time (60days) it has an annoying 2
minute bootup wait before you can use it.  I guess I've learned to be
patient.  I was told about it by another person and I found it by doing a
Google search for Point of Sale Software.

try for the download site.

God Bless America!

Joe Lore MicroComputerCenter, Inc.
781-933-5530 / [log in to unmask]

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