I'm puzzled about people <falling off the [Paleo] wagon>.

Im interested in this as Id like to help others into Paleo eating, and
understanding the traps others may fall into will help me be more
effective in how I advise them.  Please note that Im not trying to appear

My question arises from my 30 years as a vegetarian.  In all those 30
years I never <fell off the [vegetarian] wagon>.  Sure, I occasionally
ingested some tiny animal sourced product tucked away in the ingredients
of a processed food (gelatine was a regular culprit), but there was never
a lapse in my commitment to the diet.  Vegetarianism just came naturally.
I quickly adjusted to ignoring the meat and fish shelves in the
supermarket and never visited the restaurants that lacked a vegetarian

menu that suited me.

For the past nine months, I have not <fallen off the [Paleo] wagon> and
can't see why I would.

Some list contributors refer to periods of stress which precipitate eating
non Paleo food.  But the chain of events still seems to me to be
incomplete, partly because, when I was vegetarian, stress didn't cause me
to eat meat.

How does it happen? Whats going on?
