I cannot go along with govt guidelines that one should eat 2000 calories a
day and I disagree with Atkins on the high fat with cheeses and deli meats.
I agree with paleo on fruit, veggies, natural meats but I STILL can't eat
all those calories.  I do well with 1640 calories a day and 40% fat.  It has
taken me five years to get to this point.  Atkins was good for breaking a
stall.  Oliva

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Constantinidis" <[log in to unmask]>

The New York Times
September 10, 2002

Dr. Denke concurred: "No matter what anyone tells you, it's calories that
count. Carefully controlled metabolic studies show that it doesn't matter
where extra calories come from. Eat more calories than you expend and
you'll gain weight."