Hi Ken,

   The best way to handle mad men is not let them in power in the first. The
seeds of WWII where sown at the end of WWI - when they decided to punish the
dickens out of Germany - hence the reason we helped rebuild - Japan and
Germany after WWII. It is incrediable important that once a war is over you
let the hate go. My mothers country was overrun by the Germans and the boys
where drafted into the German military - and the girls where drafted into
the Hitler youth movement - they had no choice - it would have bben the
death sentence for my grandmother and her youngest child. While bits and
pieces of the family survived. My oldest oncle was wounded and has a metal
plate in his head - but he and his family survived. The next uncle and his
entire family was killed - by the Americans - he in battle and the family
was bombed while fleeing across a frozen river - the mother and 3 children
drowned. The next Uncle fell at Stalingrad. The nest uncle was killed by the
Russianas as he was in a field hopsiptal when they came thru - they dodn't
take prisoners and his wife was injured when the group of refugees fleeing
in a convoy was straffed by Americans. My mother was captured by the Russian
and escaped, her younest brother was placed on a ferry bound for Sweden and
was torpoed out of the water - many of the child died many more drowned and
those that survived hide in fear.  I would guess most of us from Europe -
have grown up on the war stories of our families, and we have to some degree
seen the destruction. I believe those who have seen and been in war know the
price and don't want to do it again. I do not want my child to leave this
way. So I will never advocate for war. We should remember that a great deal
of England and Germany where completely wasted - I can not hate for I have
seen what it does. Besides I would have to hate the US, Russia and Germany.
As teenager when I watched WWII moves I watched my people bombing my people
- I understood why and yet I knew somewhere down below where my Mom and Oma
and all the rest. I was so emotional devastated that I have never again
watched a war movie. I wish there where words that could convey the grief
and futility I felt.

                                    Goddess Bless - Trisha

> How do you suggest we handle madmen, mag? Being wimpy did not do anything
> with hitler, stalin, etc, etc. make a sugestion that history has not
> proved
> wrong and we'll try it.