<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Attached is a list I keep taped inside a kitchen cupboard for early morning
lunch box inspiration.  As the kids are learning to read, I have asked them
to pick a choice from each column:

Lunch Ideas

Protein Fruit Vegetable Dairy Treat

chili applesauce broccoli w/dip cheese cubes chips
chili meat w/chip fruit cocktail carrots pudding cookie
cottage cheese w/fruit fruit snacks PB on celery string cheese
deli wrapped cheese stick grapes red pepper slices yogurt
Hamburger patty orange slices red pepper slices  popcorn
hard-boiled egg PB w/apple slice   pretzels
lettuce wrap raisins   rice bran crackers
PB on cracker strawberry
rice cakes w/PB
tortilla wrap
trail mix
tuna w/crackers

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