Jim said:
> To put it into perspective...
> I am 43 years old, with severe heart disease. It is my understanding
> that the gestation period for BSE and scrapie is 25 to 30 years. Without
> some dramatic changes in the progress of my heart disease I am VERY
> unlikely to last 25/30 years. (Over a year ago, my cardiologist wrote to
> another specialist that he was surprised I had lasted this long (8 yrs
> at the time).) If gobbling omega-3s can make me last 25/30 years,
> _perhaps_ the risk of destroying my brain after that period of time *IS*
> worth it. (Rock and a hard place...)
This puts things in perspective.  I was refering to myself and anyone
without a signifigant
health problem. If I were in your shoes I would consider the same route you
have chosen.
As far as I know I have no heart disease. If I did I suspect it would have
shown itself during
an intense workout.You are doing what is best for you.
At this point just the thought of eating brains is difficult.

Best of luck reversing the damage, you would not be the first to do it.
Knowledge is power.
