I'm getting ready for a backpacking trip. This is a package deal, where the
outfitter normally supplies all the food, but as you can guess, what they
supply is mostly pasta, pita bread, reconstituted hummus, oatmeal, etc. I've
been talking to them about what kind of food they can supply me with, and in
the end we have decided that it's best if I supply my own.

So, I'd like some input on what to bring. I'm thinking the usual stuff:
jerky, pemmican, nuts, dried fruit, dried veggies. What about dried eggs? I
have to strike a balance here between the best food to eat and the lightest
to pack. This is a nine-day trip at high altitude (I'm doing the High Sierra
Trail in Sequoia National Park) so I need energy but I don't want a lot of

My big question is, how much carb am I going to need for this? Is oatmeal a
good source for this or should I plan on eating some rice too? I don't
usually have a problem with rice (I only eat it as sushi usually), but wheat
gives me sinus problems, joint pain and energy dips.

I'd really appreciate any input anyone can give on this. I'm really looking
forward to this trip (been training since March, mostly weights and hiking).


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