On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 10:35:09 +0200, C. ten Broeke <[log in to unmask]>

>Hi Mel
>At the age of 21 you should not be experiencing these symptoms. Your
>weight and length seem to be balanced enough to be fertile and have
>My advice is to seek medical help for this from an openminded physician
>who does not start blaming your diet for this immediately.

Hi Christy

Thanks for the advice, I think you've confirmed what I already knew but
didn't want to admit, plus I'm scared of going to the dr's, it wouldn't be
so bad if they weren't so narrow-minded about this way of eating.  If my
dr is which she probably will be, I will just walk out, report her and ask
for a second opinion!, let's see how she likes that! I might ask for a
blood test to check hormone levels etc..., do you think that is a good
idea?  I'm sure you've heard about our delighful NHS (NOT),it doesn't
leave you with alot of faith!

Will let you know how I get on if I go.

Bye for now