Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions for packing food on my trip. Just
a few comments/questions:

This is a 9-day trip. I'm wondering how much food I'm going to need to take.
Since we have to carry it all, and the hike is at high altitude, too much is
just as bad as not enough.

Love the suggestion about picking fresh berries along the way. Don't think
I'll be able to do any fishing though - I don't have any fishing equipment
and I'm being ruthless about what I carry.

As I thought, most of the suggestions are for jerky and dried fruit. Any
ideas how I might eat this, other than plain? That could get old after a few
days. Our guides are supposed to be fabulous trail cooks, but they'll
probably be focused more on cooking for the group, who are going to be
eating pasta etc.

How can I incorporate more fat into this? I don't think I'll be able to
bring things like pork chops since I'm flying in the day before from Canada
and can't bring in any foods, according to US Customs. I'm having a friend
in SF buy the stuff and ship it to my hotel in Fresno.

Thanks again for all your help with this! I'll reallly appreciate it while
I'm up on that mountain. It'll also be interesting to see how I do vs the
other hikers who are eating the standard high carb diet.


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