On Fri, 9 Aug 2002 09:59:48 +0900, Tom <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>One case in Canada. 115 total cases in Europe since 1985.


in the UK *alone* there were > 36000 cases in the year 1992
and 1500 cases in the year 2000.
The total cases in UK were more than 180,000 (180 thousand).

In Europe the following countries have a lot of cases:
Portugal, Swiss, France.
Other countries betrayed are:
Niederlande, Belgien, Luxemburg, Irland, Italien, Spanien Danmark.

Science discovered that the disease *can* be transferred to humans and there
are dozends of cases where humans got the variant of Creutzfeld-Jakob which
must be seen as the bovine variant.

Your count of 115 cases could be the count of BSE in *humans*.

Since transferability has been discovered beef-eating got a bad rep over
here. Although in Germany in the years 2000 to 2002 we had only 192
certified cases of BSE (mad cow disease).

Would you risk to get *this* awful disease, even if  the probability is very
very low? There are other options what to eat.

