
Sorry if this has been talked about lately here, I didn't check the

I'm a 51 year old male, I've had Hep C for 20 years, and GI dysbiosis for 16
years. I've been reading the NeanderThin book a lot lately, and thinking
about following it 100%. I've been on a very simialr diet for 7 months : the
ER4YT type O diet, and the SCDiet.

I started taking 3 tbs. of coconut oil a month ago, and it is an alkaline
substance and made my pH get too alkaline a few times, so I'm going to eat
more animal proteins to compensate for this rather than cut back on the
CNOil, which is real good for viral conditions and GI dysbiosis.

My question is, would it be bad for my liver to eat nothing but pemmican for
a few days or longer, and would I get constipated?
What effect would more protein have on my liver? I've been eating 75-100
grams of protein daily for about 16 months.

Thanks a lot for any input.

Joe R.