On Mon, 26 Aug 2002 16:51:27 +0200, Alison Ashwell
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I have caught trout and other fish with my bare hands
>Trout like to shelter under overhanging banks so many people have
>learned to 'tickle' trout in order to catch them. It involves some
>patience but no tools

I'd have expected that trouts are not one of the dump fish which can be
caught by hand. But if you did...

Still trout is a cool water fish.
I wonder how african fish of the savannah (if there are amounts worth to
mention) compare in EPA and DHA content. I suppose such muddy water fish are
more the low ones.

Anyhow the savannah DHA source is brains.
Lions and other big predators seem unable to crack big bones, so the skull
and the marrow in the bones would be a leftover from lion kills.
And brain is the best DHA source.
