linda, you are in our prayers.

i just found out that i have a funeral to attend in the next state. my aunt
died and is to be buried tomarrow at 3. i must get out of our convesations
on current events and such and get ready to leave.
my aunt and uncle would have been married 60 years on their next

everyone have a good night.

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Wagner
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 8/30/2002 8:36 PM
Subject: Prayers

Hey Gang,

You'll never guess where I am right the hospital with  a
embolism (bloodclot in lung)...not the way I wanted to start out the new
school year.  Today I am much improved, but still have several days in
hospital.  They are thinking that my CP may have been a contributing
Anyone ever get this??
