>(Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum). For the backed up file
> data, the CD/Rs and CD/RWs were formatted first before the data was
> to it using Easy CD Creator. The data was written to it by Windows

> It would however recognize both file data and MP3 music -- if they were
> under the auspices of the "Make a Data CD project" option of Easy CD
> Creator. In Roxio's terminology, ". . . a data CD is ideal (having the...

You might need to install a UDF Volume Reader on the new win98 machice. Data
on the CD/RWs was most probably written using a packet writing software
(DirectCD bundled with Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum). The CD/RW is treated as
a "big" diskette where data can be simply dragged and dropped onto the CD/RW
using Windows Explorer.

Check out
Listed below is part of the link listed above...


 This file is for users that do not own a copy of Easy CD Creator and just
want to read discs that have been written in UDF.

The UDF Reader (version is included with DirectCD 5.1, so if you
have Easy CD Creator Platinum 5.1 or Basic version 5.11 or later you do not
need to download this file.

Enables some MultiRead CD-ROM drives to read UDF formatted CD-RW discs (such
as those written with DirectCD) under Windows 95,
98 and 98 SE, Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or higher and Windows 2000/XP.
udfread_v5.1.1.213_inst.exe: | download (540KB)

(download link

Once installed, you do not need to take any special steps to activate the
UDF Reader; it is constantly active in the background, waiting for you to
mount a UDF disc. This is a free download for the convenience of users who
do not own Easy CD Creator. However, Roxio only provides technical support
for the UDF Reader if you purchased Easy CD Creator, and have a valid Tech
Support ID (TSID) that came with the product. If you do not have Easy CD
Creator, we do not provide technical support for this product.


Jess Brazil
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