On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 14:00:04 -0400, Don Wiss <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Ken Stuart wrote:
> >The "Food for Life" brand "Ezekiel 4:9" bread uses only sprouted grains, no
> >flour.  Sprouted grains are edible raw and are therefore paleo.
>You mean there is no sugar, dairy, vegetable oils, or other non-paleo
>ingredients in this bread?

Correct (assuming that we are not going to start up the sea salt discussion for
another hundred posts :) ).

*Organic Sprouted Wheat, *Organic Sprouted Barley, *Organic Sprouted Millet,
Malted Barley, *Organic Sprouted Lentils, *Organic Sprouted Soybeans, *Organic
Sprouted Spelt, Filtered Water, Fresh Yeast, Sea Salt. *Organically grown and
processed in accordance with the California organic foods act of 1990.

It's based on Ezekiel 4:9 -“Take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet
and spelt; put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself.”

Interestingly, combining those six things produces a complete protein.

The company that makes it has www.glutenfreemall.com as one of the links on
their site.

PS   I'm just responding to questions, not advocating this for anyone other
than family members who are transitioning to a more healthy diet but can't go
"cold turkey".


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