As I did not see any responses to my original posts on this subject, I
am taking the liberty of trying once again.

This week's rain report about PSK31 made me want to take the plunge.
However, since ignorance is my only defense, I need to find out a lot
of things.

First, am I correct in assuming that the narrower the band pass filter
in the HF receiver, the better the results will be for PSK31.

Second, what all do I need in addition to the rig to get started?

Question 3:  Excluding the cost of the rig, what should I expect to
pay to get up and running?

4.  From the standpoint of speech and or braille output, do some of
these programs work better than others?  If so, which ones?

Lastly, I would sure be grateful if someone could direct me to a
primer on this subject, especially if it is in either text or MS Word
format.  Thanks.

Don Roberts