Hello Everyone:
I am new to the list \ Board here and just wantd to share my experience
with the paleo way of eating.

In 4 weeks I have lost 23 pounds (fat of course). I am now wearing pants
that I have not worn for far longer than I would like to admit. I have more
energy and do not crave the starch-carbs, chips, nachos, etc...
Food is no longer a crutch. It is as it should be, nourishment for the body
and mind.

I have started and exercise program approx. one week ago consisting of
cardio (30 minutes on the treadmill) in the early AM and weight lifting in
the PM ( 2 sets of 5 repitions of the deadlift, close grip bench press,
side press and curls). The routine is simple, direct and effective. Much to
my surprise I have not lost any strength with the weight loss.

With this way of eating I am looking forward to a long, healthy and fit

Kind regards to all,