Taken from "The Origins Of Agriculture" by Wadley and Martin

"Thus major civilisations have in common that their populations were
frequent ingesters of exorphins. We propose that large, hierarchical states
were a natural consequence among such populations. Civilisation arose
because reliable, on-demand availability of dietary opioids to individuals
changed their behaviour, reducing aggression, and allowed them to become
tolerant of sedentary life in crowded groups, to perform regular work, and
to be more easily subjugated by rulers. Two socioeconomic classes emerged
where before there had been only one (Johnson & Earle 1987:270), thus
establishing a pattern which has been prevalent since that time."

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marilyn Harris" <[log in to unmask]>
Come on - let's not get ridiculous.
 Is there some world-wide
conspiracy to defraud the public with respect to their nutrition?