>You forgot something here. Doctors, governments, Oprah, (or whoever) can
>make all the recommendations they want. The buck still stops at the
>individual and how much the average person is willing to get involved with
>their own health.

But what if someone gets actively involved by doing what's recommended left,
right, up and down?  Even better, what if someone depends on the government
for food?  This goes farther than you think; food subsidies for the
indegent, yes, but also public school lunches, military rations, prison
meals...  You name it, if it's from the gubment it's high starch and low

We've discussed this here before but if you're new, write me (PRIVATELY!)
and I'll send you some innnnnteresting documentation.

I'd especially love to see Native Americans file suit against Uncle Sam;
they are hit harder by diabetes more than ANY other ethnic group in the US
and rely on federal food subsidies more than your average John Q. Citizen,
to boot.  No mystery what's goin' on here, Scooby!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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