Hello everyone-
Been a while since Ive chatted with you all but I am
needing some advice regarding our Lauren 5 yr (mild
left hemi with hypotonia). She loves the water, and we
have been taking swimming lessons. Her left arm just
doesn't paddle like it is suppose to. She has good
alternating kicking which I think is just fine but
without the left arm I just cant see her actually
swimming independantly. She also does not naturally
right herself if she was to fall down under the water.
If I am not there she would drown in my opinion if she
ever fell. What I am curious about is everyone elses
experiences personally with water, what you can do,
how old were you when you be came able to swim, any
advice suggestions, etc. She is able to hold on to the
styrofoam roll under her armpits and navigate pretty
well around a pool fyi.


Jason Kruse (dad)

Jason Kruse, PA
Family Medicine East
Heartland Research Associates
Kansas PA Temps