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Part 2 - the names of Subcommittee and Committee Members who control the
fate of these bills.  We can too make in a difference with our shear numbers
of letters and e-mails to them.

The current House Committee on Energy and Commerce:

W. J. "Billy" Tauzin, Chairman
Michael Bilirakis, Florida
Joe Barton, Texas
Fred Upton, Michigan
Cliff Stearns, Florida
Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio
James C. Greenwood, Pennsylvania
Christopher Cox, California
Nathan Deal, Georgia
Richard Burr, North Carolina, Vice Chairman
Ed Whitfield, Kentucky
Greg Ganske, Iowa
Charlie Norwood, Georgia
Barbara Cubin, Wyoming
John Shimkus, Illinois
Heather Wilson, New Mexico
John B. Shadegg, Arizona
Charles "Chip" Pickering, Mississippi
Vito Fossella, New York
Roy Blunt, Missouri
Thomas Davis, Virginia
Ed Bryant, Tennessee
Robert Ehrlich, Maryland
Steve Buyer, Indiana
George Radanovich, California
Charles F. Bass, New Hampshire
Joseph Pitts, Pennsylvania
Mary Bono, California
Greg Walden, Oregon
Lee Terry, Nebraska
Ernie Fletcher, Kentucky
John D. Dingell, Michigan, Ranking Member
Henry A. Waxman, California
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Rick Boucher, Virginia
Edolphus Towns, New York
Frank Pallone Jr., New Jersey
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Bart Gordon, Tennessee
Peter Deutsch, Florida
Bobby L. Rush, Illinois
Anna G. Eshoo, California
Bart Stupak, Michigan
Eliot L. Engel, New York
Tom Sawyer, Ohio
Albert R. Wynn, Maryland
Gene Green, Texas
Karen McCarthy, Missouri
Ted Strickland, Ohio
Diana DeGette, Colorado
Tom Barrett, Wisconsin
Bill Luther, Minnesota
Lois Capps, California
Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania
Chris John, Louisiana
Jane Harman, California

House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health Michael
Bilirakis, Florida, Chairman Joe Barton, Texas Fred Upton, Michigan
James C. Greenwood, Pennsylvania Nathan Deal, Georgia Richard Burr,
North Carolina Ed Whitfield, Kentucky Greg Ganske, Iowa Charlie Norwood,
Georgia, Vice Chairman Barbara Cubin, Wyoming Heather Wilson, New Mexico
John B. Shadegg, Arizona Charles W. "Chip" Pickering, Mississippi Ed
Bryant, Tennessee Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., Maryland Steve Buyer, Indiana
Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, Louisiana Sherrod
Brown, Ohio, Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman, California Ted Strickland,
Ohio Tom Barrett, Wisconsin Lois Capps, California Ralph M. Hall, Texas
Edolphus Towns, New York Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey Peter Deutsch,
Florida Anna G. Eshoo, California Bart Stupak, Michigan Eliot L. Engel,
New York Albert R. Wynn, Maryland Gene Green, Texas John D. Dingell, Michigan

Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Edward M.
Kennedy, MA, Chairman Christopher Dodd, CT Tom Harkin, IA Barbara
Mikulski, MD James Jeffords, VT Jeff Bingaman, NM Paul Wellstone, MN
Patty Murray, WA Jack Reed, RI John Edwards, NC Hillary Clinton, NY Judd
Gregg, NH, Ranking Member Bill Frist, TN Mike Enzi, WY Tim Hutchinson,
AR John Warner, VA Christopher Bond, MO Pat Roberts, KS Susan Collins,
ME Jeff Sessions, AL Mike DeWine, OH Senate Committee on Health,
Education, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee on Public Health Edward M.
Kennedy, MA, Chairman Tom Harkin, IA Barbara Mikulski, MD James
Jeffords, VT Jeff Bingaman, NM Paul Wellstone, MN Jack Reed, RI John
Edwards, NC Hillary Clinton, NY Judd Gregg, NH, Bill Frist, TN Michael
Enzi, WY Tim Hutchinson, AR Christopher Bond, MO Pat Roberts, KS Susan
Collins, ME Jeff Sessions, AL