An afterthought ...

There is one photograph which you might consider showing your parents: on
page 313 of "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston Price, There
is a photograph of four men, aged about 22, 18, 10 and 8.

The first of these is a tall, broad, healthy man - what we used to call 'a
magificent specimen'.  The three younger brothers are progressively less
well developed and stunted.

The caption reads: 'The brother on the right was born before the white
man's store was put on Badu Island, the three younger after.  Note the
change in facial form'.

This is the most stunning 'picture worth a thousand words' I have ever
seen.  But perhaps I was just intellectually and emotionally ready for it
when I saw it - three months into strict paleo eating and exercise after
30 years of - very healthy - vegetarianism.

Hope this helps.
