> >...what's carrion?

>Roadkill, basically. Dead things of varying ages and states of decay. I
>imagine not only acid, but a strongly functioning immune system would help
>here. ...Let's hear it for food that fights back:) What doesn't
>kill you makes you strong.

Its name is escaping me, but did any of you hear that the toxin injected in
the skin to erase wrinkles is now being looked at as a cure for migraines?!
Many wrinkle-hating patients (Stepford wives?) reported a drastic reduction
in both basic and migraine headaches.  They think that this toxin relaxes
muscles and bing badda bing, there goes the headache.

Which makes me wonder; could modern food's LACK of germs and toxins come
with a downside?  Everything you buy in 'Mrrka (as Dubyah would pernounce
it) is squeaky clean; maybe headaches are just one of several problems
modern, "better" food throw in our path.  The benefits of bacteria, et al,
have been discussed here before; I wonder if what we already know is just
the tip of the iceberg.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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